What is Blue Chip NFT? - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

What is Blue Chip NFT?

Blue Chip NFT are projects that are expected to maintain value stability and profitability in the long run. Common traits that these NFTs share include historical value, brand strength, an experienced team, a strong project roadmap, and an active community.

What is Blue Chip NFT?

A blue-chip NFT, like a blue-chip stock, is a digital asset that is considered high-value and low-risk. The term “blue chip” originated from the stock market, where it was used to describe large market cap stocks considered to be the backbone of the stock market. Blue-chip stocks are stocks of an established company known for their stability, reliability, and ability to deliver consistent returns over time. Even in the face of market downturns, these blue-chip investments have a history of surviving these storms.

Similarly, blue-chip NFTs are considered high-value and low-risk NFTs with a history of price stability and growth. It is NFTs that have established themselves as leaders in their category and have gained wide recognition and popularity among collectors and investors.

Features of Blue Chip Project

While projects with all features are not necessarily blue chip projects, Blue Chip necessarily includes the following features:

Historical Value (Base Price and Sales Volume)

One of the key features of blue-chip NFTs is their historical value. This refers to the base price and sales volume of the NFT. For an NFT to achieve blue chip status, it must have a proven track record of consistent value appraisal. Additionally, the sales volume must be substantial to show high demand. These projects also often have a high market capitalization, which indicates the value of the project.

Brand Strength (Big Names / Celebrity Endorsements)

The second feature of blue-chip NFTs is brand strength. Blue-chip NFTs are often associated with big names or celebrity endorsements that increase their perceived value. For example, an NFT from a series whose owners include a well-known artist or musician like Justin Bieber is more likely to be considered a blue-chip NFT than the average person has. The big-name association adds prestige and legitimacy to NFT, attracting more buyers and investors.

Team (Who / Their Reputation)

The team behind an NFT also plays an important role in determining its condition. The people behind a blue-chip NFT, including creators, developers, and consultants, often have a strong reputation and proven track record in the industry. This shows that NFT is backed by a team of experts with the experience and expertise to ensure its success.

Roadmap (Utility)

The roadmap of a blue-chip NFT is another important feature to consider. NFT should have a clear and practical utility such as unlocking exclusive content, accessing special events or joining special communities. NFT should also have a solid use case and show a clear path to success with concrete plans for how to get there, pointing to a bright future ahead.

Community (How Strong is the Community?)

Finally, the strength of the community surrounding a blue-chip NFT is also a defining feature. A blue-chip NFT should have a large and engaged community of collectors, fans and investors who support it and help it grow. The community acts as a network of advocates who willingly support it to ensure its success.