Probit Holds Ethereum Volume Contest - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Probit Holds Ethereum Volume Contest

crypto exchange Probit, organized Ethereumin volume competition It gives out a reward of 5,000 USDT.

probit, It will last until May 15 Ethereum is on stage with the volume competition. In this event, A prize pool of 5,000 USDT created. Successful in volume competition first 20will be able to get a share of this prize pool.

The winner of the volume competition is about 450 USDT will win an award. Also to the twentieth-ranked competitor 175 USDTaward will be given.

Probit Sets Prizes for Ethereum Volume Contest

Probit, approximately 5 daysin an ongoing event, 5 thousand USDT distributes prizes. This event Ethereum stands out as a trading volume competition. Investors who want to participate in the event must meet some conditions.

ProbitUsers who want to participate in the volume contest of 100 PROBES He needs to stake u on the platform. Afterwards, users will PROBE He will have to protect them until the contest is over. Rankings of the volume competition, USDT It will be calculated with the total trading volume converted to . In addition, PROBs will remain locked for 180 days and can be used to participate in other competitions.

May 15In Ethereum transaction volume, which will result in ETH/USDT parity will be used. Users who trade in this parity will be rewarded according to the rank they entered at the end of the event.

To the first of the event 450 dollars, to the second 390 dollarsand to the third 350 dollars award will be given. At the end of the event, the prize pool will be distributed among the top twenty.

Those who want to participate in the event; They can go to the relevant page from here.