Investigation into Turkish Bitcoin Exchange: New Thodex Case? - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Investigation into Turkish Bitcoin Exchange: New Thodex Case?

Complaints against a Bitcoin and altcoin exchange operating in Turkey are on the rise. Victims are faced with the warning “Your account has been closed for trading” on the stock market. Here are the details and complaints…

Increase in complaints against Bitcoin and altcoin exchange

In a crypto currency exchange operating in Turkey, victims counter with the statements “Your account has been closed for trading” He appealed to justice by stating that they had been confronted. Yusuf Balcı, who is stated to be a victim, stated that he made transactions between February and May, that there was no problem, but that his accounts were suddenly closed in May. Making a statement on the subject, Lawyer Derya Öztürk used the following expressions:

After depositing the money here, when the amount of money is tripled or quadrupled, you want to enter the system and turn your money into cash and get it back. But the system shows a block. When you contact the company, the company informs you that your money has been confiscated by the decision of the prosecutor’s office, therefore your money cannot be paid to you. There is neither a prosecutor’s decision nor a legal process.

New Thodex case?

It is reported that the exchange attracts customers with the promise of commission-free transactions, and many people are invited to the exchange with the reference system. The victim, Eren Yıldırım, said that he directed his friends to the stock market because they promised commission-free transactions. However, he later stated that the exchange seized their money on allegations such as he and his friends were doing organized business and organized crime. Users complained because they were afraid of a new Thodex case. Thereupon, an investigation was launched against the stock market.

Attorney Özyürt said that victims can apply to the chief public prosecutor’s office in their place of residence, for qualified fraud and breach of trust. As we reported as, Thodex’s CEO, Faruk Fatih Özer, fled abroad in April last year, saying that users did not pay their money.

Faruk Fatih Özer left the country in April 2021, making the funds of approximately 390,000 active users of the exchange irrecoverable. Thodex’s lawyer, Bedirhan Oğuz Başıbüyük, said that the CEO fled Turkey because otherwise “he will either be arrested or commit suicide”. The attorney cited liquidity issues and a one-year hacking incident as part of the reasons for the apparent exit scam.