Reddit NFTs Approach 10 Million Wallets - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 15, 2024

Reddit NFTs Approach 10 Million Wallets

social media platform redditcreated by NFTseries, about 11 months later 10 million walletsabout to reach.

The bear market continues on the crypto money market and the categories that develop with it. Although there are some recovery on the metaverse, NFT and GameFi sides, the rise scenarios have not been fully realized. Despite all this, Reddit, in the NFT series it created, to 10 million people about to reach. According to Dune Analytics, currently 9,909,465wallet holds Reddit NFT.

Reddit NFTs Appeal to Millions

stagnant passing NFTin the market, reddit‘s collection continues to gain popularity. dune Analyticsof the Reddit NFT series close to 10 million stated that it has accessed the user. In addition, the research platform found that wallets holding Reddit NFT 7.7 million ofHe stated that there are single wallets.

Reddit NFTs, which were released in July of last year, were made available to users on the Polygon network. Presented as Avatar series, NFTs are indie artists and reddit Created by the content creators. The collection, which has attracted great interest since its launch, has exploded since the beginning of 2023. since 2023 Reddit NFTowners 80 percentincreased.

Moreover Dune Analytics stated that the NFT collection has reached a total volume of close to 32.6 million dollars. If the total Reddit avatar NFT sales at 303.033 level . In the collection, which was in high demand, 247 sales were made in the last 24 hours.