Sacrifice Has Arrived from the SEC! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Sacrifice Has Arrived from the SEC!

The SEC has waived $30 million in claims to make it easier for BlockFi to reimburse its customers.

of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ), has agreed to waive a $30 million fine so BlockFi can invest in its clients, according to a court filing on June 22. The stated amount was calculated as the remainder of the $50 million penalty BlockFi’s crypto loan product owed to the SEC for covering some charges. The platform accepted the deal in February 2022, but of FTXfiled for bankruptcy in November following its collapse.

$30 Million Fine Shelved for Now

The SEC has argued in its ongoing Chapter 11 bankruptcy lawsuit that its claims should be counted as part of general unsecured receivables. However, in order to maximize the amount that can be distributed to investors and to avoid delay in such distribution, it has agreed to withhold the payment.

According to the agreement reached on June 22, Sasha Hodder, founder of Hodder Law, a firm specializing in crypto law, said that the SEC was among the first creditors to queue up to receive payments from BlockFi.
