Binance Announces These 15 Altcoins: There Are Updates! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Binance Announces These 15 Altcoins: There Are Updates!

Crypto exchange Binance has made updates for 15 altcoins to improve user experiences. The giant cryptocurrency exchange has reduced the settlement frequency in futures contracts specific to these altcoins. Additionally, Binance changed the funding rates for these contracts.

Binance made an important announcement for 15 altcoins! As you can follow from , the changes and updates made by Binance are closely followed by market players as it is the largest crypto exchange in the world. Binance , In an announcement made today, one 5 altcoin futures contract in update He announced that he went to . In this direction, the crypto exchange in products that funding rate settlement frequency made it shorter. From now on, reconciliation takes 8 hours instead of one 4 once an hour cak . In this context, Binance announced the update to users with the following post.

The funding rate settlement frequency for selected USDⓈ-M Perpetual Contracts will be adjusted to every 4 hours.

Binance stated that it made the change to provide the best user experience for all users. In this context, he underlined that it constantly reviews its product and service offerings. For contracts determined based on recent reviews, the funding rate settlement frequency will be reduced to four hours on October 12 at 11:00 a.m. ET. Binance will adjust the funding rate settlement frequency for the following USDⓈ-M Perpetual Contracts to every four hours.

  1. USDⓈ-M IMX Perpetual Contract
  2. USDⓈ-M LPT Perpetual Contract
  3. USDⓈ-M API3 Perpetual Contract
  4. USDⓈ-M HIFI Perpetual Contract
  5. USDⓈ-M NMR Continuous Contract
  6. USDⓈ-M TRB Standing Contract
  7. USDⓈ-M BLZ Perpetual Contract
  8. USDⓈ-M DODO Standing Contract
  9. USDⓈ-M STMX Perpetual Contract
  10. USDⓈ-M CYBER Perpetual Contract
  11. USDⓈ-M YGG Permanent Contract
  12. USDⓈ-M UNFI Permanent Contract
  13. USDⓈ-M FLM Standing Contract
  14. USDⓈ-M PERP Perpetual Contract
  15. USDⓈ-M ECB Permanent Contract

The stock market made changes to funding rates

Meanwhile, Binance will also update funding rates for select USDⓈ-M Perpetual Contracts to ±3%. This change will be effective as of October 9 at 11:30 CET. The exchange noted that this applies to all USDⓈ-M Perpetual Contracts with maximum leverage of 25x or less. If a contract’s maximum leverage is reduced to 25x or below, a ±3% capped funding rate will automatically apply. The exchange warned users that it would not make a separate announcement about the changes. In this context, Binance drew attention to the following points:

Binance Futures will continue to constantly review funding rates and make necessary adjustments accordingly. In case of changes to more than one futures contract, an announcement will be sent to inform users at least two weeks in advance. Two weeks’ notice may not be possible in some cases, such as extreme market volatility, and a shorter notice period may apply. Thank you for your understanding!

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