The Ethereum Foundation has many plans this year. One of these plans is to significantly reduce the use of power in transactions.
2019 may be the year of Ethereum
If all plans in 2019 have achieved their purpose, as predicted by experts, it may be the year of Ethereum.
With the postponement of the long -awaited Constantinople hard fork, Ethereum, the third largest crypto currency, according to the market value, wants to reduce the energy consumed by 99 % by the end of the year.
As much as Iceland’s electricity
In 2018, the ETH network, Iceland’s electricity consumed as much electricity said. It is emphasized that the founding common vitalik Buder describes this as a “waste of great resources ..
Vitalic Botter is aware that Ethereum’s Proof of Work (Pow) uses too much calculation power. For this reason, it has been one of the visions of the crypto currency to reduce energy use since the emergence of Ethereum. For this vision to realize, it can only be successful if the Proof of Stake -oriented Consensus system is switched.
A new block chain
Instead of trying to install the existing ETH block chain Proof of Stake, the leading people of the ETH Foundation decided to create a completely new block chain running through the POS they called Ethereum 2.0.
A few months later, it was reported that many projects were in development and programmers were working on software applications using various programming languages at Ethereum 2.0.
He warns that the “unknown unknown” case, which may lead to the emergence of unwanted problems that are really risky for Ethereum as a billions of dollars of a network of billions of dollars, as the Butter is reported by the Spectrum.
However, if the proof of stake is delayed, it may become even more risky for Ethereum. Ethereum is not alone in the Proof of Stake approach. Cardano, Dfinity and Eosio are just a few of the crypto currencies that start their own proof of stake -based block chains.
Tron superiority?
Tron, which was named as “Ethereum Killer ,, has been repeatedly news about the passing of Ethereum in many ways. In a recent report, Tron’s fortune games are claimed to have terminated the superiority of ETH in terms of both traffic and volume.
Ethereum 2.0, let’s see if Networkke will win the old glory again this year. As always, keep staying in the crypto coin for updates.