The main purpose of Coinkolik is to ensure that people who are interested in cryptocurrencies can use their right and freedom to receive information to the fullest, and to show the necessary care and effort for this. Our effort is to be fair and open-minded, to examine different conflicting views and predictions and to include certain points of view.
To achieve this goal, it is imperative to comply with all the rules of independent, free and objective publishing. In the news, it is based on reality, currency, objectivity, being balanced and fair, and freedom of expression and criticism in interpretation. This principle also constitutes the essence of the principle of the benefit of human rights on which we base our broadcasting.
In the publications of Coinkolik, care is taken not to deflect, exaggerate, or censor the facts, and not to be influenced by pressure and interest groups. In this context, an excuse not to lag behind the accelerating media world does not lead to the justification of errors and mistakes. Errors and errors are corrected quickly and honestly.
Authenticity is essential in news. It is imperative to include all dimensions of reality, opposing views and claims in the news. It is necessary to get information and answers from the persons and institutions that are the addressee of the allegations, and if not, it should be stated in the news. We do not forget that knowing different opinions and evaluations is a fundamental reader’s right.
Unless there are concrete documents and provable information in news and comments, no one can be declared responsible in advance, and the reader is informed accurately and completely. Instead of the style and language of official authorities, a style and language that will tell the truth is used.
In news and comments, it does not hesitate to look out for the interests of the investor. In this context, it is necessary and obligatory to avoid broadcasting that will put the investors in a difficult situation, especially to take into account and protect the investors. It is indispensable to find the exact equivalent of the environment in the rapidly changing crypto money market in the broadcasts, and to convey what is happening with all its colors and dimensions to the reader, the viewer and the listener.
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