What is the Crypto Market Solstice? - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

What is the Crypto Market Solstice?

Cryptocurrency market solstice refers to the transition to the new day data after the closing at 00:00 in the world and at 03:00 in Turkey.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges Trading Hours

Every investment market has opening and closing times. However, in the cryptocurrency market, this situation works a little differently. Traditional exchanges are always open throughout the day. The opening and closing values ​​represent the first and last values ​​of the day. It is used for the measurement of commercial activities on a daily basis. However, Bitcoin exchanges operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Opening and closing times take place in a short time frame for the purpose of determining prices on cryptocurrency exchanges.

Just as there is a solstice in every event, there is also a solstice in cryptocurrency exchanges. Closing takes place at 00:00 in the world and at 03:00 in Turkey. This short-term closing is also a sign of a new day. The reason for closing after 3 hours in Turkey is due to Greenwich Mean time. Cryptocurrency exchanges, which can be traded from anywhere at any time, allow investors to trade freely without time restrictions. Opening and closing hours have been determined for technical analysis. However, transactions continue during these hours.

Difference Between Traditional Stock Exchange and Cryptocurrency Exchanges

The purpose of using traditional standard exchanges is to evaluate and reflect trade movements 24 hours a day. These exchanges are generally considered as a measurement tool. Cryptocurrency exchanges, on the other hand, work a little differently. Traditional exchanges are always open. Since it is open to trade throughout the day, the opening and closing values ​​represent the first and last values ​​of the day. Cryptocurrency exchanges, on the other hand, are open 24/7 and a complete closure is not possible. The closing of the previous day and the opening of the new day coincide with the same time. However, a full closing and opening takes place in traditional exchanges.

In addition, the traditional exchange operates between 09:40 and 13:00, 13:55 and 18:05 in the morning. It is closed on weekends and public holidays. In traditional exchanges, only the opening and closing hours can be traded. Cryptocurrency exchanges do not have such a limitation. The Bitcoin exchange does not have a closing time. Cryptocurrency trading takes place around the clock. For this reason, it is not possible to close cryptocurrency exchanges, unless for some reason they have to stop the transactions. It always shows the most recent value.