Avalabs CEO Emin Gün Sirer Joins CFTC Advisory Board - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 22, 2024

Avalabs CEO Emin Gün Sirer Joins CFTC Advisory Board

CFTCto the Technology Advisory Committee of AvalabsCEO Emin Gun Sirer, Circlevice president Corey thenAnd FireBlocksco-founder Michael Shaulovjoined.

The crypto industry, which has seen an increase in adoption rates day by day, has managed to attract the attention of regulators. In particular, US regulators took a place on the agenda with their pressure on many crypto organizations.

One of these regulators, the CFTC, aims to better understand the industry. Technology Advisory Committeerevealed the . AvalabsCEO Emin Gun Sirerand several other crypto projects senior executives joined this board.

CFTC Board Attends From The Crypto World

Technology Advisory Committee, to CFTCIt aims to help examine the effects and consequences of technological innovations in financial services and markets.

AvalabsCEO Emin Gun Sirer, with his post on Twitter, CFTC’s Technology Advisory CommitteeHe confirmed that he joined. sirer , stated that as a result of this participation, he will try to improve the sector and keep the regulators up to date on the latest developments in the crypto sector. Sirer also stated that he will do his best to bring the benefits of blockchains to financial systems.

This board is also at CFTCwas also announced. CFTCsaid the following on the subject;

“The Technical Advisory Board may enable the CFTC to consider technology-related issues to support its mission to ensure the integrity of derivatives and commodities markets and achieve other public interest goals.”

of the CFTC Technology Advisory Committeein, CircleAnd of AvalabsIt also attracted attention in the crypto industry.