Do Kwon's Lawyers Get $7 Million - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Do Kwon’s Lawyers Get $7 Million

Do Kwon’s lawyers just before the Terra (LUNA) crisis It turned out that he sent 7 million dollars.

Legal processes regarding crypto collapses and accompanying bankruptcies continue at full speed. With the collapse of the Terra crisis, close to $ 40 billion in the crypto ecosystem had evaporated. Acting on this issue, prosecutors revealed new developments.

Do Kwon was arrested, $315 million New details come to light in cases where illegal money is detected. Finally, prosecutors Do Kwonof lawyers, terrajust before the crisis He found out that he had received $7 million.

Do Kwon Can’t Get Rid of Legal Processes

Do Kwon, one of the architects of the Terra crisis and alleged to have seriously damaged the crypto ecosystem, He was arrested in Montenegro . Right after this arrest USA and South Korea refund requested. However, a final decision on this issue has not been made yet.

Many details about Do Kwon, whose legal processes have been initiated, began to emerge. The actors of the Terra crisis It was stated that he was involved in an illegal money of 315 million dollars. . of this money about $69 million was directly related to Kwon.

kwon caseAnd terraAnother detail about the process came to the fore. South Korean prosecutorsKwon, one of South Korea’s leading law firms just before the collapse of the Terra ecosystem He confirmed that he sent $7 million to Kim & Chang.

Kwon’s transfer of millions of dollars to the law firm was considered a deliberate move by prosecutors. On top of that, prosecutors claimed that Kwon was aware of the impending collapse and foresaw anticipated legal issues.