According to Experts, the Turkish World Should Not Be Late for the Metaverse - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 22, 2024

According to Experts, the Turkish World Should Not Be Late for the Metaverse

The 4th Meeting of Ministers and Senior Officials in Charge of Media and Information of the Organization of Turkish States was held. Speaking at the meeting, experts emphasized that the Turkish world should not be late in building its own metaverse.

The experts who made statements in the panel titled “Digital Future of the Turkic World: Metaverse” at the 4th Meeting of Ministers and High Level Officials in Charge of Media and Information of the Organization of Turkish States, hosted by the Presidency of Communications, touched upon the importance of the metaverse issue. Technoblogger Farid Pardashunas, IT Park Uzbekistan Deputy Chairman Bahadır Ayupov, Kazakhstan News Agency Chairman Berik Uali, Har Group Chief Executive Burak Soylu and Kazakhstan 10Tech Founding Chairman Bauyryzhan Shalabekov attended the panel.

Talking about the importance of the metaverse, blogger Pardashunas said:

“The internet is a big network. Everyone is connecting and using it at the same time and there is no alternative. But the metaverse is nothing like that. Everyone has a world in the metaverse. The current purpose of the metaverse is to monopolize here as in web2. For example, Facebook will establish a monopoly here and have all the data. Steps have already been taken in this regard. The Turkish world also needs to take this step. In the Turkish world, people need to study the behavior of big companies before entering the metaverse. Because the metaverse is in its infancy. Therefore, it is necessary to take specific and consistent steps.”

Har Group Chief Executive Officer, Burak Soylu, said that Turkish states should take important steps on the metaverse and made the following evaluations:

“According to Morgan Stanley’s report, the world trade volume is 8 percent. trillion dollars will be the metaverse by 2030. But here I need to draw a very important point with a red line. The last figure he announced was 13 trillion dollars. This is the volume that world trade will reach in Matevers. In other words, it should be stated that the metaverse will turn into a world where companies start from scratch. Therefore, no matter how lucky Facebook or Instagram companies are, we, as Turkish states, can make important breakthroughs on the world stage and without missing the power train.”