AI War: Celebrities Who Support and Don't - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

AI War: Celebrities Who Support and Don’t

Artificial intelligencethe increase in the rush of technology day by day, its supportersAnd their opponentsin confronting.

Metaverse, blockchain and artificial intelligence Technologies such as these are among the new generation trends. These technologies continue to evolve and change. The most popular technology of recent times has been artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence, which also reveals different areas, has become a trend, especially with chat robots and visual creation structures. The widespread use of artificial intelligence has begun to disturb certain names in technology. However, some people are determined that this technology will not cause any problems. So who are these names and what side are they on in the artificial intelligence war?

AI Supporters vs. Opponents: The Weather Is Warming Up

The popularity of artificial intelligence day by day and its widespread use have divided people into two. Especially in the names of technology, different opinions began to come.

Elon Muskand Changpeng Zhao ( CZ) think that artificial intelligence can be dangerous, Bill GatesAnd Jeff BezosThere are opinions that there is no problem in the middle from names such as. So who is on which rank?

1- Twitter’s Boss Elon Musk

Tesla, SpaceXAnd your Twitterowner Elon Musk , perhaps the most popular name against artificial intelligence. Musk, one of the richest names in the world, said that artificial intelligence will soon argues that it has the potential to replace humanity.

However Musk previously argued that artificial intelligence is an important technology. In fact, Musk announced that he was once interested in crypto, but now he is interested in artificial intelligence. Recently MuskIn the report published by an agency, he was one of the names that signed to stop the development of artificial intelligence. Musk’s concern was that artificial intelligence was being developed in every way by making it a trend.

In conclusion Musk, in the light of its recent statements, wants artificial intelligence not to be developed further. The most important of the opposing views can be called Elon Musk.

2- Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ)

BinanceCEO CZis known as one of the biggest maximalists of cryptocurrencies. Binanceowner of CZ He once managed to become one of the richest people in the world. However, the crypto bear market of CZ dissolving his assets as well, pushing him to the bottom of the list. Recently, it has been struggling with regulators and various legal processes. CZHe also showed his rank with his striking statement about artificial intelligence. CZ thinks artificial intelligence can replace humans, just like Elon Musk.

In conclusion CZ thinks that artificial intelligence is experiencing a rapid rise and is not regulated in any way. Criticizing the pressure on the crypto side CZwill soon replace humanity. wonders why artificial intelligence is not regulated.

3- Meta’s Boss Mark Zuckerberg

founder of facebook Mark Zuckerberg, the name of the company Meta renamed it. This move artificial intelligence and metaverse opened the curtain to his work in the field. Zuckerberg had been on the agenda with his significant investments in artificial intelligence and metaverse years ago. Meta’s boss, in 2016, “Artificial intelligence is the next generation computing platform.”He drew attention to himself by making a statement.

Years ago Zuckerbergwill establish an artificial intelligence research center and announced that they will invest $1.5 billion. metaverseThe billionaire, who also carried out similar studies for

However ZuckerbergAccording to the statements of important names in Meta company, it still continues its artificial intelligence researches. Meta’s boss supports the development of artificial intelligence and thinks this technology could be beneficial for the metaverse as well.

4- Microsoft Founder Bill Gates

tech giant Microsoft’sfounder of Bill Gates is a name that makes a lot of talk about his billionaire and comes to the fore with his approach to technology. Gates, in the past period, so 2015in the year drew attention with his opposing discourses on artificial intelligence. Gates, made statements that artificial intelligence can eliminate human jobs in the future and replace humanity.

2017in the year Munich Security Conferencespeaking in Gatesstated that artificial intelligence is a bigger threat than thought and needs to be regulated.

However, in recent days Gatestheir discourse on artificial intelligence It looks like it’s rotated 360 degrees . Towards the end of March, the billionaire stated that artificial intelligence is a revolution just like the internet . Moreover Gates, Elon Muskand stood against the call to stop artificial intelligence, signed by many technology geniuses. According to Gates, blocking this technology is pointless.Because today, billionaire thinks artificial intelligence is a very useful and revolutionary technology.

5. Evan Sharp, Founder of Pinterest

an American billionaire and entrepreneur Evan Sharp, He gained popularity by founding Pinterest . One of the names seen as internet genius Sharp is on opposite sides when it comes to artificial intelligence.

Sharp was one of the names that stopped the development of artificial intelligence and thought that this development could lead to negative consequences. Sharp, He joined the call to stop artificial intelligence, which was also signed by Elon Musk.

6- Google CEO Sundar Pichai

tech giant Google’sCEO Sundar Pichai is cited as one of the biggest supporters of artificial intelligence. Technology dominance that Google has maintained for years, It brought along Pichai’s artificial intelligence moves.

Recently, Pichai dismissed the perception that AI chatbots could become a threat. Moreover pinchaiin Google search engines and general working structures stated that they will enable the use of artificial intelligence . Google CEO, in his statements, He underlined that the company is working on artificial intelligence.

7- Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos

One of the richest names in the world and the founder of the global giant company Amazon. Jeff Bezos stands out with its support for artificial intelligence. In a press release he made last year, Bezos said, He stated that we are in the golden age of artificial intelligence.

Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa is shown as one of today’s popular artificial intelligence programs. Amazon’s boss Bezos, that we are in the space age and argues that such artificial intelligence developments should continue.

8- Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak

Described as one of the technology revolutions Apple’sone of the founding partners Steve Wozniakdemands that the development of artificial intelligence be stopped.

Wozniak, who holds many awards for his achievements in the technology industry, stands against the increasing use of artificial intelligence in recent times. With many names such as Wozniak, Elon Musk, “Stop the development of artificial intelligence”signed the call.

Wozniak, He also thinks there is a danger that artificial intelligence will take over people’s jobs.