Arrest of Tornado Cash Developer Protested in Amsterdam - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 19, 2024

Arrest of Tornado Cash Developer Protested in Amsterdam

A group of around 50 crypto advocates protested the Tornado Cash developer’s arrest in Amsterdam.

The protester group, including Alexey Pertsev’s wife, protested the arrest of Tornado Cash developer in Amsterdam Dam Square. Pertsev’s wife was among the organizers of the show.

Arrest of Tornado Cash Developer Protested

Two days after the US government sanctioned Tornado Cash, Pertsev was arrested in Amsterdam. Dutch officials claimed that developers made huge profits from North Korea’s money laundering transactions.

Protesters argued that Pertsev could not be held responsible for writing open-source code.

Accusations against Pertsev will put all open source code developers under threat. Protesters stated that after this incident, no one could write open source code.

Oxorio co-founder Petr Korolev stated that Pertsev was not formally charged, only questioned about his role in developing the protocol.

Korolev also added:

“On the one hand, Alex is my friend and I worry about him. His wife hasn’t been able to visit him for two weeks and we don’t understand what’s going on.

On the other hand, this is a big lawsuit and if Alex is found guilty, it will set a precedent that will hit open source code developers.”
