Bitcoin (BTC) Chart and Market Analysis in the Light of US Inflation Data - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Bitcoin (BTC) Chart and Market Analysis in the Light of US Inflation Data

In light of US inflation data,What about Bitcoin (BTC) price level and market conditions?

affecting the economy and crypto industry worldwide US inflation data for January 2023 reported as 6.4 percent per year. With the announced data, first an increase and then a decrease were observed on the BTC side. With the effect of the announced US inflation data and the increasing FUD news in recent days, BTC is currently at $21,700 levelsis being traded.

Bitcoin (BTC) Chart Analysis

In light of the announced US inflation data While there was an instant increase in BTC price and market value, a sharp price decrease was seen on the BTC side after the data release.With the initial positive reflection of US inflation data on the crypto side, the price 21,900 dollarlevel, on the BTC side after the release of the data 21,540 There was an instant decrease to the dollar level. BTC, 21,900determined the dollar level as resistance, while the nearest support level is 21,400at the dollar level.

Bitcoin Dominance, What is the Latest Situation for Altcoins?

BTC, in the dominance after the price fluctuation with the effect of the announced US inflation data 43.68has made the level of support. Altcoinsin the name of risein BTC dominance to observe 43.60level will need to be broken down. in BTC dominance43.94 level is exceeded 44.28if it reaches the level drop in the price of altcoinslivable.

Market Value Analysis for Bitcoin

BTC market value has been volatile lately. With the release of US inflation data, instant decreases were seen in the BTC market value. However, it was observed in sharp rises afterwards. Recently market valuei decreasing BTC, 412.9billionUSD market value has been adopted as the support level. BTC, market valuein a bullish scenario 430.7billionexceeding the dollar market value 439.3 billiondollar market value can be expected.