Bitcoin (BTC) Whales Leave the Ocean! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Bitcoin (BTC) Whales Leave the Ocean!

With the crypto market running at the same prices for a while, wallet addresses holding more than 100 Bitcoin (BTC) have reached the lowest level in the last 3 months.

It’s been a few weeks that you’ve been looking at BTC’s short-time chart commuting in a certain price rangealso caused a change in the movements of BTC whales. glassnodealertsAccording to the social media post shared by Crypto wallets holding more than 100 BTC hit their lowest level in the last 3 months.This divides the idea of ​​the crypto market into two, making the upcoming events increasingly important. The silence of BTC whales and their withdrawal from BTC is currently associated with more negative scenarios.

Bitcoin (BTC) Awaits News to Draw Its Price Route

Fighting at the price of $ 28,000 for a while BTC seems to have angered the whales as it has not yet made a clear move.According to Glassnode data, the number of BTC wallet addresses holding more than 100 coins has reached the lowest level in the last 3 months with 15,962 addresses. The departure of BTC maximalists from the ocean may herald a severe pricing that may occur in the market in the near future.

Showing no persistent upward or downward price movement BTC may pave its way with the impact of an important market-based news.The leader of cryptocurrencies, which is currently at $28,000 prices, With the recent data, it has confused its investors even more.
