The world’s leading crypto exchange Bitget has launched a great campaign for Turkey. Users who share videos exclusive to Bitget will win prizes of up to 3,000 USDT.
Among the competitors who will shoot videos for Bitget’s leading products, the winner of the most creative video award will receive 3000 USDT. The owner of the most popular video will win 2000 USDT. The owners of the other 10 videos selected by the Bitget Turkey team will also share 2000 USDT.
All you have to do is shoot a video of at least 3 minutes for one of the options below and upload it to Youtube.
- Bitget Copy Trade Platform
- Bitget Futures Platform
- Bitget KCGI
- Why Bitget?
Use Bitget expression in the video title, add the link and #bitgetturkiye hashtag to the video description. Finally, do not forget to fill out the participation form.
Participation form:
The campaign, which started as of May 6, will end on May 13, 23:59.
For detailed information:
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