BlackRock Company Revenue Sustained Thanks to ETF Products - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

BlackRock Company Revenue Sustained Thanks to ETF Products

Approximately 18 trillionmanaging a dollar asset BlackRock, ETFThe third quarter ended moderately due to the demand for its products.

Allegations of recession, problems in the global economy, and the threat of war continue to tire the markets. Companies that have started to shrink and make losses on a global scale are looking for economic exits. The world’s largest investment manager managing nearly $18 trillion in assets BlackRockmanaged to withstand the strong wind.

BlackRock Reports Moderate Thanks to ETF Products

largest asset manager BlackRock , managed to resist headwinds as it received strong demand for its exchange-traded funds and other low-risk products. Balancing fee-based revenue from a global market, the company reported a smaller-than-expected drop in quarterly profit today.

Assets managed by the company ( AUM), annually in the third quarter 16 percentwith a decrease of 7.96 trillion fell to the dollar. The company, which earns almost the majority of its income from investment advisory and management services, was pulled to $ 9.5 per share with this decrease.

According to the data, the interest garnered by the company’s ETF products to the market played a large part. Offering diversified investment models, the asset manager managed to partially offset against the downturn. Market data predicted BlackRock shares at $7.07, due to the impact of the recession. Breaking the expectations for a high decline, the company finished its third quarter earnings report moderately.

Continued demand for ETF products allowed BlackRock’s clients to offset the nearly $5 billion withdrawal. It was moderate in the quarter, with long-term net inflows of $65 billion. The company generated $1.4 billion in revenue in the third quarter.