Cardano gained close to 30% in value before the Vasil update and moved up to 6th place again.
Cardano (ADA), one of the most talked about crypto assets of the past year, has gained close to 30% in the last 24 hours. ADA rose from the $0.53 level it was trading to as high as $0.67. With this latest rise, ADA has moved up to 6th place again, surpassing Ripple.
This dramatic rise in ADA precedes the highly anticipated Vasil update in the community. The Vasil update is expected to be activated on the testnet on June 2nd and on the mainnet on June 29th. The update is planned to increase the efficiency of the network. This update will be the most significant improvement to the network after the Alonzo update last September 2021.
ADA is trading at $0.63 at the time of publication.