Crypto Billionaire Made a Date for the Bull Market! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 22, 2024

Crypto Billionaire Made a Date for the Bull Market!

Famous billionaire Mark Yusko, one of the well-known names of the crypto money market, made critical statements for the bull market! The famous name pointing to the bull market drew attention to this date! Here are the details…

Critical predictions for the crypto money market from Mark Yusko! In these uncertain economic times, investors are looking for safe havens to protect their assets. According to Mark Yusko, founder and CEO of Morgan Creek Digital, cryptocurrencies may hold the key. In a recent Blockworks Macro interview, Yusko predicted that the crypto market is about to heat up with a bull run of a “crypto summer” starting in May. As the world faces pre-recession and war-related issues, more and more investors are turning to cryptocurrencies as a way to protect their investments.

Yusko attributes the rise in cryptocurrency prices to the massive increase in global liquidity. He states that China has put a trillion dollars since October, Japan a few hundred billion dollars and the Federal Reserve $300 billion on its balance sheet. The result was $1.5 trillion in liquidity, and Yusko says that liquidity is directed towards buying the things people love, including cryptocurrencies. Here are Yusko’s words:

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the biggest beneficiaries. But he also goes down the stairs.

The cryptocurrency billionaire has announced the date for the bull market!

As you know, the Bitcoin (BTC) price broke above $30,000 on Tuesday, a key level for many investors. The rise was fueled by the liquidity of the opening trading sessions on Wall Street on April 18. Yusko added that Bitcoin has reached new record highs on various metrics, including adoption. In his statement, the famous name stated that Bitcoin’s hash rate is at an all-time high and the number of wallets with more than 0.1 Bitcoin is at the same level. Transaction size and volume are also approaching all-time highs, according to the expert. Here are Yusko’s words:

Bitcoin’s hash rate is at an all-time high. The number of wallets is at an all-time high. The number of wallets with more than 0.1 bitcoins has reached an all-time high. Transaction size and volume are not at all-time highs, but are returning to close.

The famous billionaire, who is closely followed by the crypto money market, conveyed the critical levels for the bull market, while also conveying certain dates. According to Yusko, a bull rise in the cryptocurrency market will begin within a few weeks after April 18, 2023. However, according to the expert, it makes more sense to focus on long-term investment strategies rather than short-term price movements. The expert name on the subject said, “Focus on the long-term, don’t get caught up in the short-term noise. Focus on what you believe and your belief.” conveyed his words.

Investors and crypto enthusiasts will be watching closely whether Yusko’s prediction of a bull market in cryptocurrencies will come true. It is an exciting time for the crypto market as global liquidity fuels the rise in prices and Bitcoin reaches new record highs on various metrics. According to experts, as always, it is extremely important to keep a long-term investment strategy in mind and not get caught up in short-term fluctuations.