Crypto Industry to Be Discussed at Digital Economy Summit - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 17, 2024

Crypto Industry to Be Discussed at Digital Economy Summit

Crypto industry and digitalization issues will be discussed in the “Digital Economy Summit” program, which is organized by the Business World magazine in Turkey.

As technology advances, the digital environments in which our information and assets can be processed are expanding. The closest examples can be shown as applications prepared for mobile banking and crypto trading. Many studies are being conducted on how these technologies should develop in the digital world and in the lives of users. Cryptomeda CEO Eray Dengizwill also be a speaker at an industry-linked panel, where he will share his views on how cryptocurrency exchanges can contribute to current regulations.

Digitalization Is on the Agenda of the Digital Economy Summit

The Digital Economy Summit, organized by the Business World magazine in Turkey, will host panels on the impact of digitalization, from brands to stock markets.

The event was held on Tuesday, December 6, with topics such as “What Value Should Cryptocurrency Exchanges Create for the Market?”, “Ideas and Success Stories Waiting for Commercialization”, “Solution Partners of the Digital World”. Information Commercialization Centerwill be done in.

“What Value Should Cryptocurrency Exchanges Create for the Market?” with cryptocurrencies in the focus. in the panel; Founder of Kryptomeda Eray Dengiz, Cryptocurrency Expert Oytun EsAuthorized persons from , GateTR, OKX and Phemex exchanges will make speeches.