Cryptocurrency, NFT and Blockchain Good News from the President of YÖK! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 16, 2024

Cryptocurrency, NFT and Blockchain Good News from the President of YÖK!

Higher Education Council (YÖK) President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar informed that new sections for technologies such as NFT and Blockchain are in the design phase. Here are Özvar’s explanations and details…

Will NFT, Blockchain sections be opened?

President of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar answered students’ questions at Anadolu University Turkish World Science, Culture and Art Center. One of the incoming questions was about non-fungible tokens (NFT), one of the most popular developments in recent years, and the Blockchain technology behind both NFT and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. One of the students, Taha Çiçek, asked, “Will the departments of technologies such as NFT and Blockchain be opened in the future? They began to spread around the world. How do you think our universities will react to this situation?” Özvar replied with the following answer:

These are the areas where we need a teacher the most. The professors who come here come from the mathematics department, either from computer engineering or software engineering, but let alone being teachers, the friends studying in these departments are engaged in a job in the 3rd and 4th grades. They do well. Therefore, they do not want to come to academic work much.

Pointing out that there is a shortage of teachers in general, Özvar states that those who are interested in this field should continue their studies in this field without stopping. “We are currently designing episodes and programs that include these themes directly,” he adds.

Özvar: Our aim to increase the ranking of universities in Turkey

Özvar, generally the aim of YÖK is to ensure that universities in Turkey rank much higher in the lists of world universities conveys that. He states that they will achieve these goals by “playing the game according to the rules, that is, how the major universities in the world work, how they put forth a great effort, the more productive they are” and mentions that they are looking for ways to achieve this. As we have reported as , NFTs, one of the most popular topics of recent times and allowing artists to enter the Blockchain field, combine art and technology with a broad spectrum. provided in diameter. It is also worth noting that many NFTs are on the Ethereum Blockchain.