Decentralized Social Media What is Nostr? How to use? - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 17, 2024

Decentralized Social Media What is Nostr? How to use?

Nostr is a social media protocol that allows users to join independently operated global servers instead of relying on any centralized server. For this reason, Nostr, also known as “decentralized social media”, is resistant to censorship.

What is Nostr?

Similar to the decentralized social media network Mastodon, Nostr is a social media protocol that allows users to join independently operated global servers or relays instead of relying on any centralized server. NOSTR stands for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays” meaning “Notes and Other Items Transmitted by Transmitters” in Turkish.

Unlike Mastodon, this protocol uses a Bitcoin-like public/private key system instead of an e-mail and password account. The protocol, on which many systems are currently built, offers users a variety of decentralized and censorship-resistant social media applications such as Damus, which is even integrated into Bitcoin Lightning payments.

Features of Decentralized Social Media

  • Resistant to censorship:Nostr is censorship resistant because anyone can create a server and write to it, even if you are blocked from broadcasting to other servers
  • It uses keys instead of accounts:Just like crypto wallets, Nostr clients (apps) use public and private keys to create your “account” instead of using email and password.
  • Bitcoin payments integration: Protocol relays can use Bitcoin payments to prevent spam attacks. Clients like Damus have already integrated Bitcoin Lightening payments for users.
  • Rapidly gaining momentum:The protocol, which is also supported by Jack Dorsey, has been gaining popularity rapidly since its launch, and several applications created on Nostr are already attracting attention from users.

How Does Nostr Work?

Nostr works with two components: Client (clients) and relay (relays). Each user of the protocol runs a client, just like the Honor application. Also, anyone can run a transponder.

As with all cryptocurrencies, you generate a public and private key mapping through your client to access your account. Public keys are like usernames and private keys are like passwords. However, it should be noted that private keys must be kept secret and stored in a safe place, as it is not possible to reset the password.

To broadcast a tweet-like message on Twitter, you connect to relays and sign messages with your private key. The streamer you are connected to will broadcast your message.

Public addresses in NOSTR also make it possible for anyone to send a private message that only the appropriate recipient can decrypt, as it is encrypted with the recipient’s public key.

Decentralized Social Media and Bitcoin Relationship

As a decentralized currency, the harmonious integration of Bitcoin into a decentralized social network is perfectly natural. So on Nostr, it’s easy for clients to integrate into Bitcoin and Lightning payments.

NOSTR accounts work similarly to crypto wallets with public/private key mapping. Therefore, those who are experienced in the crypto space may find the process of getting used to using this decentralized platform easier than those new to the field. Platform clients can enable users who want to make financial transactions to send Bitcoin to verified peers using simple and permissionless methods.