EU Official Vestager Points to Metaverse and ChatGPT - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 16, 2024

EU Official Vestager Points to Metaverse and ChatGPT

EU Commissionvice president Margrethe Vestager, metaverseAnd ChatGPTHe recommended focusing on the effects of technologies such as

vestager gave a speech on competition policy at the Keystone Conference. In this speech vestager stated that the effects of technological developments should be foreseen and planned. In this talk by Vestager, the main focus is metaverseAnd ChatGPT it happened. Vestager argued that more attention should be paid to the development and effects of these technologies.

EU Commission Vice-President Focuses Metaverse and ChatGPT

Vice President of the EU Commission margrethe vestager, referring to changes in technological developments, metaverseAnd ChatGPTHe said technologies such as

New technologies, which are developing day by day, have started to take more place in human life. Starting with the emergence of cryptocurrencies, digital assets have also entered the radar of countries. One of the most important sectors of the crypto industry metaverse, with the entry of institutions continues to gain popularity . In addition, the new trend of recent times, artificial intelligence, is witnessing remarkable developments. ChatGPT, while standing out as one of the first steps of artificial intelligence, revealed that this technology can also be seen in the crypto industry.

In this context, the vestager , touched upon the situations that digital transformation and the transition to the digital economy have created for the masses. Stating that current legislation lags behind these technological developments, vestager, said;

“For example, it’s high time we started asking how healthy competition should be in the Metaverse, or how something like ChatGPT could change the equation.”

Moreover Minister assistantHe stated that from May 2023, the EU Commission will carry out antitrust investigations into the Facebook market and Meta’s processing of competitors’ advertising-related data.