Florida governor Ron DeSantis has proposed legislation to ban CBDCs.
With the spread of the blockchain and crypto money industry, a negative recommendation has come for CBDCs, which have a lot of place on the agenda. Florida’s governor has passed a bill to ban CBDCs.
CBDC Release from Florida Governor
CBDCs entered the agenda of governments after the spread of cryptocurrencies. Many countries have begun infrastructure trials for CBDCs. In addition to the infrastructure trials, there were countries that updated their laws specifically on this issue.
However, a bill by Florida governor Ron DeSantis proposes to ban the use of a national central bank digital currency (CBDC) as money in his state.
DeSantis used the following statements in a press release:
The proposed law also aims to ban the use of a CBDC issued by any offshore central bank in Florida. The governor’s statement urges other states to adopt similar legislation.
President Joe Biden last year issued an executive order to the federal government to examine the possible uses and risks of a CBDC.
In addition to privacy concerns, DeSantis said a federal CBDC would reduce the role of community banks and credit unions.