Cryptocurrency exchange Gate io, serving on a global scale, stepped into the Turkish crypto market.
It launched’s first service for Turkish users, who want to offer a localized and personalized experience for its users. With Gate Turkey,’s first country-specific service, users will be able to operate Bitcoin, Ethereum and other popular crypto units using Turkish lira. Sails to New Countries After Turkey
Gate Turkey, the first localized service of, focuses on personal experience opportunities created specifically for users.
Users will be able to deposit, withdraw and transact using TL with 47 dedicated Turkish lira trading pairs, which includes popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, in addition to 10 dedicated USDT trading pairs. As the platform grows, more products and services will be introduced.
Stating that it will allow them to deposit and withdraw money easily using Turkish lira, Gate Turkey Country President Kafkas Sonmez, explained as follows: Vice President of Global Marketing Tom Yanghe spoke as follows: