Berenberganalyst mark PalmerThe SEC’s stance on Binance coinbasefor one fragment can betold.
The crypto industry has been shaken by yet another sensational event. A new one has been added to the regulatory and stock market conflict, which has become the critical agenda of the last period. The SEC sued Binance.
While the SEC’s lawsuit against Binance has been heavily debated for two days, Berenberg analyst mark PalmerA surprising Coinbase prediction came from . Palmerthinks Coinbase is also in the mouth of the ball.
Berenberg Analyst Addresses Coinbase’s Situation
Berenberganalyst mark Palmer, SECAnd Binancethe tension between coinbaseand that as a result of this situation coinbaseof net income may lose 37 percentstated.
Palmer He stated that tough days await the company if the SEC targets Coinbase’s crypto trading and staking services. According to Palmer, in a possible regulatory conflict Coinbase’s net incomewill take risks.
U.S. public crypto exchange coinbase came face to face with the SEC last month. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has often voiced his complaints about the oppressive crypto regime in the US. Although this conflict gives way to calm The Binance event may be a move that breaks the ropes.
Palmer, coinbaseevaluated the possible situations of ‘s in these processes as follows;
We believe investors should focus on whether COIN will have the ability to successfully rotate its business model and geographic focus if it is forced to restrict or cease a large portion of its business activities in the US as a result of an SEC enforcement action.