Indiawent digital in the diplomas given to approximately 100 thousand students every year and polygondistributed digital diplomas based on blockchain network.
Maharashtra State Skills Development Board (MSBSD) has distributed nearly 100,000 verified diplomas integrated in the Polygon (MATIC) network through the LegitDoc platform. LegitDoc assisted in establishing the collaboration between MSBSD and Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSINS). The report by on August 4 highlighted that this collaboration is a way to issue and approve documents based on blockchain technology.
First Step Towards Digitizing Certificates
The digital diploma project, which is a part of digitization in India, aims to digitize the diplomas and transcripts awarded to approximately 100,000 students every year by MSBSD. Neil Matrix, co-founder of LegitDoc, said:
These diplomas are linked to the Polygon blockchain network as a secure PDF.
According to Martis, blockchain-based degrees offer the highest level of data protection, privacy, openness and cost savings compared to other online degrees.
It is worth mentioning that Maharashtra State Skills Development Board (MSBSD) has not issued digital certification in the past. With this project, the Board took the first step towards digitizing certificates. Marti:
Instead of switching to conventional digital diplomas on the way to digitize diplomas, the Board turned directly to blockchain-based diplomas.