Metaverse Will Reach $5 Trillion Value by 2030 - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Metaverse Will Reach $5 Trillion Value by 2030

The metaverse value is estimated to reach $5 trillion by 2030.

Global consulting firm McKinsey & Company has released a new report on the metaverse. According to the report, the value of the metaverse could reach $5 trillion. This value means that it can reach the same size as the Japanese economy.

According to the report, by 2030, 50% of live events will also be held on the metaverse, and internet users will spend about 6 hours a day on the metaverse.

In particular, the gaming industry will be the main driving force on the metaverse, eclipsing industries such as music and movies.

Eric Hazan, lead author of the report, explained that the current state of the metaverse is similar to Web 2.0 in 2004. At that time, online social networks and user-generated content were about to change people’s lifestyles. It was stated that Metaverse is currently in a similar process.
