Might Be New Scam Project Attention: ChatGPT NFTs! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Might Be New Scam Project Attention: ChatGPT NFTs!

A new movement for scam project creators has begun, growing in popularity ChatGPTintegrated NFTs were announced.

Especially in recent days, the increasing popularity ChatGPT, scam It has entered the radar of the project creators. A Twitter account that has attracted attention recently strange One way in the statements found . allegedly NFTpopular platform OpenSeathrough investors only 470 dollar“living creature” capable of speaking in return NFT“They will be able to create.

Users Worried About ChatGPT NFTs

ChatGPT The increasing popularity of . Users are gradually ChatGPTwith crypto, blockchain and NFT started integrating technology. In line with the articles published on Twitter, ChatGPTcompatible with NFT‘s were put on the market. 470 dollarThis can be purchased for NFT‘s, those who have the ability to speak ” live NFTdescribed as ”.

The majority of NFT investors refer to this issue as “ scam described as ”. This development, which has received great attention on social media, also NFT aroused great fear among investors. Ephemeral trends on NFTs can change the market drastically. NFTIf investors, ChatGPTseems to be concerned about the production of integrated NFTs for now.
