Minimum Wage and BTC Since the Beginning of the Year - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Minimum Wage and BTC Since the Beginning of the Year

January 1, 2023minimum wage on 0.027 BTC It corresponded to. If the current minimum wage is 0.018 BTCIt corresponds to .

It is seen that people try to protect their assets during the turbulent times in the global markets and the inflation process. In these periods when the perception of investment is more prominent, various instruments in the market attract great attention. Crypto moneys, gold, dollarAnd euro Tools like these are some of the popular trends. However, some people may also prefer to stay in the fiat currency of the country they are in, regardless of the market cycles.

Alright, January 1, 2023What is the difference between the minimum wage in Turkey and the investment instruments corresponding to this minimum wage, and the minimum wage and corresponding investment instruments today?

Previous How Much Bitcoin, Gold and Dollars Was Buying with the Minimum Wage?

When we quickly turn the calendar pages backwards, January 1, 2023 In its history, especially in cryptocurrencies, relentless rises began. During this period, people preferred to convert their assets to the dollar and crypto side. Gold, on the other hand, stood out as a classic under the pillow investment.

The equivalent of a minimum wage at the beginning of the year 8.500 TLwas. January 1, 2023If the dollar rate on the date It was around 18.72 TL . with a minimum wage $454could be obtained.

On the other hand, looking at the crypto side, January 1, 2023Bitcoin price on It was at $16,547 . with a minimum wage 0.0273387 BTC could be bought.

Also, gram gold price at the beginning of the year It was around 1.100 TL . Looking at this level, with a minimum wage 7.72 grams of gold could be bought.

Minimum Wage Increased! How Much Bitcoin, Gold and Dollar Are Coming?

at the beginning of the year Minimum wage of 8.500 TL 6 months later, it was withdrawn to 11,402 TL with an increase of 34 percent. According to the statements made, this minimum wage clearly stated.

With the minimum wage update, with the new minimum wage It can be bought for 482 dollars . The dollar rate, on the other hand, is moving at the level of 23.61 TL. With minimum wage at the beginning of the year It could be bought for 454 dollars . With this new increase, the equivalent of the minimum wage It rose to $482.

Also, the minimum wage Although it is 11,402 TLfor minimum wage 0.018 BTC is coming . with the previous minimum wage. 0.027 BTC could be bought . Although the minimum wage has increased The increasing price of BTC draws attention.

With the new minimum wage 7.68 grams of gold can be bought . As a prominent detail below, more formerwith minimum wage It is seen that 7.72 grams can be taken . Although the minimum wage has increased gold is getting stronger.

Minimum Wage More Valued in Gold and BTC

Looking at the data received and the results, the minimum wage on January 1, 2023 made more gains on the gold and BTC side than the minimum wage today. However, the dollar equivalent of the minimum wage seems to have decreased. Compared to the beginning of the year, you can get 28 dollars more with the minimum wage today.

January 1, 2023And 20 June 2023Compared to the minimum wages in the 0.009 BTCcan get more and 0.04 grams of goldIt seems to accumulate more.

January 1, 2023on 8.500 TLBitcoin investment made with today 17,049 TLIt corresponds to .

January 1, 2023on 8.500 TLgold investment with 10,653 TLIt corresponds to .

January 1, 2023on 8.500 TLdollar investment with 10,731 TLlevel.

Looking at these investments, only BTC’s new minimum wage 11,402 TLIt appears to have yielded more than .