Ministry of Treasury and Finance Announced New Economic Steps - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 22, 2024

Ministry of Treasury and Finance Announced New Economic Steps

The Ministry of Treasury and Finance announced the new economic steps on its official Twitter account.

Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati announced that new economic steps would be announced in the following hours. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance shared the new economic plan on its official Twitter account.

According to the announcement, in order to encourage citizens to invest their savings in Turkish Lira assets, it announced its income indexed government domestic debt securities plan.

The full statement is as follows:

Within the scope of the steps to be taken in the press release published today from the official account of our Ministry;

In order to encourage our citizens to use their savings in Turkish Lira assets and to expand the investor base, our Ministry will carry out the demand collection for income-indexed State Domestic Debt Securities (GES) as of June 15, 2022.

SPPs, which will only be offered to real persons, will be exported through announcements and book-building processes to be carried out throughout our country.

Bookkeeping for the year, issuance of the bill, coupon and principal payments will be made through the banks to be specified in the announcement to be published on the website of our Ministry.

The bills to be issued will provide coupon income to the investor quarterly and there will be a minimum return guarantee in coupon payments.

The rate of return and maturity structure of the promissory note will be announced in the issuance announcement. The final rate of return that the bond will provide to the investor will be determined by multiplying the rate of return determined by our Ministry at the issuance stage with the index value to be calculated within the framework of revenue realizations.

Announced with respect to the public”