Nigerian President Bola Tinubu emphasizes the importance of using blockchain technology for the banking industry.
Blockchainfocusing on the benefits of technology tinubufor banking activities blockchain technology intends to use. Moreover financeAnd bankingreferring to the activities tinubu published a manifesto aimed at the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain services. Continuing his statements, the President of Nigeria said, in order to encourage economic growth. digital asset regulationsindicated that it should be reviewed.
Increasing Confidence in Blockchain Technology
Blockchain It has attracted global attention due to the continuous development of its technology and the opportunities it provides. Especially recently, popular companies and popular names frequently blockchainHis mention of technology also marked the agenda. Blockchain of technologyCompanies that want to benefit from the opportunities it offers are increasing their activities in this field.
increasing in recent blockchain It seems that it attracts the attention of not only crypto investors, but also industries around the world. Standing out with the services it offers in terms of security blockchain technology has already become a favorite of many companies. The companies, which are increasing their work in this field, continue their investments.