Over 100,000 Friend.tech users' information leaked! - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Over 100,000 Friend.tech users’ information leaked!

Banteg reported leaking data of more than 101,000 Friendtech users, including Ethereum addresses and Twitter users.

Banteg, one of the sub-branches of Yearn Finance, on Friend.tech shared a leaked database containing users’ details as a GitHub post. The data repository contains the Ethereum addresses and Twitter usernames of over 101,000 users. According to the current report, Banteg reported that the database containing 101,183 people was leaked. The social tokenization platform Frined.tech, which is still very new, is now on the agenda with security problems.

Security problems scare users

The new agenda of the crypto industry, Freindtech, created panic with the leak of user information. Reaching more than 60,000 users in a very short time, the decentralized platform garnered a great reaction after Banteg’s sharing. Leaking information due to vulnerabilities on the API side first appeared on onchain platforms. Then the platform made a statement on the subject.

Friendtech, which provides a tokenization link between social media and the crypto industry, has not fully gained the trust of users, although it has made a statement on the subject. Many phenomena and crypto investors about the event continue to issue security warnings on social media platforms.
