Paxos Conducts a Survey on the Future of Cryptocurrency - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Paxos Conducts a Survey on the Future of Cryptocurrency

stablecoin generator Paxosconducted a survey for its users about the future of cryptocurrencies.

The crypto industry has lost some investor confidence after the blows it took last year. about it Paxosasked its investors if they were hopeful for the future of cryptocurrencies.

75% of Paxos Users Hopeful for the Future of Cryptocurrencies

Three-quarters of those surveyed by Paxos were confident or somewhat confident in the future of the crypto space. This was interpreted positively on the Paxos front. Additionally, around 27 percent of respondents are people who have traded crypto for the first time in the past 12 months.

A recent Paxos survey revealed interest in cryptocurrency in the US despite a turbulent year for the emerging asset class.

Of the 5,000 US-based working-age adults surveyed, 75 percent “confident or somewhat confident in the future of crypto.” The survey took place on January 5 and 6 and included adults who earned more than $50,000, had a bank account, and had purchased crypto in the past three years.

According to the survey, 72 percent of respondents were “slightly or not at all concerned” about volatility in crypto markets in the past year. Despite the hard end of 2022 with the collapse of FTX, the survey shows that American consumers continue to be interested in digital assets.

Alongside the FTX crisis, Paxos recently faced off with the SEC. The issue that caused the SEC to confront the company was stablecoin.