The overall value and reputation of the crypto market took a dip this May. The last few weeks are perhaps not great times for many investors. However, the extreme fear (11) surrounding the entire market is keeping investors away from buying the bottom. However, due to its extremely volatile nature, the altcoin market can provide important opportunities during bear periods as well as bulls. For this, we can take a look at the latest analysis and transactions of CryptoKemal, one of the popular Twitter analysts.
How can I turn the crisis into an opportunity in a bear market?
The second quarter of 2022 did not end well for Bitcoin (BTC). In what could be termed ‘extreme market conditions’, Bitcoin is struggling on all fronts. The bankruptcy of Terra and a number of crypto lending platforms resulted in additional sales in the market. However, short-term traders are struggling to find the right position. CryptoKemal, who has about 600 thousand Twitter followers, says the following about it:
If you apply the trade setups you entered on the 15-minute or 1-hour chart in 4 hours, you can get a higher profit margin with fewer transactions. 4H works best in crypto, so the success rate of the transactions you will open will increase. Actually, you all know, but there is no patience.
Trade büyüsüne bu sene kapılmış yüzlerce genç arkadaşın yorumlarını görüyorum, parayı en hızlı böyle büyütebilirim, herkesin stratejisi farklı vs.
Böyle strateji olmaz dakikalik grafiklerde saç dökerek 1 ileri 2 geri gider durursunuz. Aceleniz ne? hızlı atın boku seyrek düşer…— kemal.eth 🥷 (@CryptoKemal) July 2, 2022
As for the opportunities in the bear market, the point CryptoKemal highlighted was fundamental analysis. The analyst conveys the latest 3 altcoin projects and developments.
Bu hafta 3 tane işlem açtım
1- avax longladım güzel bölgede diye %2.5 stop
2-Biri link robin hood haberine girdim %6 aldım
3-HT ceosu hisse satacak haberine short açtım %5 aldım
Ayıda en garanti trade haber vur kaçlarıdır inanın bana. Açın ninja news bildirimlerini vurun kaçın.— kemal.eth 🥷 (@CryptoKemal) July 2, 2022