Singapore Responds To Its Attitude Towards Binance and FTX - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

Singapore Responds To Its Attitude Towards Binance and FTX

Singapore Monetary Authority(MAS) made a statement to the criticism that it treats two different exchanges differently.

MAS, the regulator’s previously public BinanceBinance and its bankruptcy have come to the fore after criticism of the different treatment of the two firms. FTXdefended his position.

Singapore Clarifies Binance and FTX Attitude

Singapore Monetary Authority (MAS), in a statement, the clear difference between the two exchanges; He said that to the extent that offers listing in Singapore dollars, among other incentives, it “actively requests” users in the city-state, while FTX does not.

MAS reiterated that FTX is not licensed in the country, in response to “questions and misunderstandings” that it is possible to protect local users transacting with FTX by transferring their assets to different companies or having FTX back up their assets with reserves. It also warned investors once again about the dangers of trading with unregulated entities.

MAS cited the following as the most important lesson to be learned from the FTX crisis:

“Trading in any cryptocurrency, on any platform is dangerous. There is no protection for customers dealing with cryptocurrencies. They could lose all their money.”
