State of Texas Takes Steps on Crypto - Coinleaks
Current Date:September 21, 2024

State of Texas Takes Steps on Crypto

USAof Texasstate legislators, Bill of RightsVoted to add cryptocurrencies to .

Cryptocurrency The recent adoption rates of digital assets and digital assets accelerated the entry of countries into this sector. Cryptocurrencies, in particular, have managed to attract millions of investors with the rises around Bitcoin.

All these developments USAThe state of Texas was also included. in the state, Bill of Rights’ changes were made in. In this change, cryptocurrencyAdded important details about the units.

State of Texas Votes Cryptocurrencies

of the USACryptocurrency detail in the state of Texas attracted attention. of the USADespite their suppressive and conservative stance on cryptocurrencies, crypto details keep coming from the states.

Finally Texas passed a new provision recognizing the right of individuals to own, hold and use cryptocurrencies. state legislators, Rights declaration voted to amend it and clarify the issue of crypto. From this vote, 139 affirmative votes came out. Just two people Bill of RightsHe did not want cryptocurrencies to be included.

According to the voting, in texasPrivate ownership of cryptocurrencies cannot be prevented or prohibited by the government.