In line with the activity in the global markets, what is the latest situation in gold and dollar on the second trading day of the week?
Last month, the USA’s 25 basis points interest rate hike also affected the course of the markets. In these days when the monetary tightening period continues, it is noteworthy that the appetite for high-risk assets has decreased. While bearish signals emerged on the gold side, the rise of the dollar drew attention.
While the atmosphere of uncertainty continues on the crypto side, it is observed that asset investors generally shift to the stock market side. Borsa Istanbul continues its bullish scenario.
In the light of all these processes, what is the latest situation in gold and dollars?
What is the latest situation in gold price?
Coming to the second trading day of the week, Gold prices are as follows;
ounce of gold,He spends the day with 1,933 USD.
grams of goldcontinues its activity with 1.679 TL.
Quarter goldIt is also traded at 2,810 TL.
How about the dollar and euro price?
On the second trading day of the week , dollar and euro exchange rates are as follows;
Maintaining strong momentum The dollar rate is around 27.01 TL.
On the other hand euro is at the level of 29.74 TLis being traded.