What is the latest situation in gold and dollar, these days when global markets are starting to recover and market assets are on the rise?
In the news flow that progresses in the USA, the situation of the global markets is also a matter of curiosity. The USA, which has attracted attention with the increase in interest rates for months, has started to give new signals after the recent events. Saying that it will slow down the rate of increase in interest rates when inflation is observed to decrease, the USA announced inflation at the level of expectations the other day. While the rises continue on the gold and Bitcoin side, the dollar also maintains its strong momentum. Within the scope of all these processes, what is the latest situation in gold and dollars today?
What’s the Latest Situation in Gold Price?
Coming to the third trading day of the week, At 10:00, the gold prices are as follows;
ounce of gold,He spends the day with 1,900 USD.
grams of goldcontinues its activity with 1,158 TL.
Quarter goldIt is also traded at 1,934 TL.
What About Dollar and Euro Prices?
On the third trading day of the week At 10:00, the dollar and euro exchange rates are as follows;
In the light of the markets where the inflation and interest agenda is intense, The dollar rate is around 18.98 TL.
On the other hand euro, at the level of 20.38 TLis being traded.